Saturday, May 15, 2010

My final post at FR33PR3SS?

I've found that too many social media can be the death of a person, or at least one creates all of these outlets that then one can't keep up, a.k.a. this blog. As much as I've been into doing this blog, I've been compelled to redirect my efforts. I really enjoy my new blog, and I may have another sprout up with a new job at a print shop. So here's a tidbit re-tweeted by my brother which has kept me occupied for about 30 minutes.

and this site which I found today which had some pretty cool sounding workshops put on by an artist named Tom Thayer. I can't remember how I found him, but I liked his approach to class, and the way he described his interaction with students.

More soon. Since I'm taking on the role at INKubator Press, I'll be shifting towards that and probably starting a new blog featuring our events and activities around the press. With that, this blog may end, so to my two followers, thanks for reading this, if you ever did. And to the rest, check out INKubator in Kansas City!