I'm starting out 2010 self employed. I'll just go ahead and say it, unemployment. Someone told me to say it the first way, and I'm not afraid to say what this really is. I have ample time to re-configure my life, I exercise, and I cook. What can I say, I'm in training to be a house-husband. I prefer to call it my emergence as a fully mature domestic male.
I've started a new blog where I explore this aspect of my life. It's been happening more and more over the past few years, but when I show up to a potluck with freshly cooked food, people call me domestic. At first I would laugh, then I got used to this label, and now I'm embracing it. As I said, it's a new lease on life having a month or two to re-group. I'm building a new website, acting as a new media intern at a local museum, finding amazing jobs that I would have never known about otherwise, and reaching out for residencies and shows in ways I never would have had time for.
To top it off, I feel that since leaving academia, I have a clear view of my work like I've not had before. Things have boiled down to key issues, to key words, and the ideas I have now are more easily executed. Proposals spin off my finger tips like never before, and I feel like I owe this to traveling, and to taking time to think. Traveling around India for the fall allowed me to not make anything for a solid amount of time and to think about what I have done in the past four years. What I do next will be different, it will be more complex, and the ideas will be simpler in execution and more fluid in the way they are seen and interpreted.
To read about my recipe experiments on my new blog, where I take random starting points from my kitchen and build meals around them, check out the Domestic Male.