We were playing asshole the card game last night, or Reagan as we dubbed our version, and the president made a rule that whenever 3 of a kind gets thrown down, which should be a rarity, we all have to run outside and run across the bridge near by. It's cold, it was night, we were getting really buzzed, and so at first it was just hilarious. And then it kept happening. We probably ran across that bridge, which is about a 200 yd. dash, at least 7 or eight times. During one of the last ones my 180 lb. frame got checked into a chain link fence as I made a move to pass this girl Mary who is about 5 feet tall and weighs a buck ten. That hurt. I got bandaged, had a numb hand, and it was kind of a sober moment. Still we didn't stop, and we proceeded to play some more. Another drop of 3 5's about 15 minutes later had us up and out again and as this girl Tatiana rounded the corner of our ice sheet walkway, she dropped on her knee and onto a rock. Quote of the week,
"I'm a wuse. I just haven't seen the inside of my own body for a while." She said this laying on the studio floor as we cut off her pant leg to clean her wound and apply bandages.
Fun times here at the studio center. Tonight, for a change of pace, we might have an AA meeting for all of us regulars at the firehouse. Something different, ya know?
Tatiana and I showing our war wounds.
I feel the need to record, here, for posterity that we also had a previous rule where The Asshole had to wear their inside clothes on the outside. Hence, Nick's spectacular moose boxers and my lovely monochrome burgundy jim-jam look.
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