The other night, our first sojourn into the wonderful world of the card game Asshole, a performance artist friend Anya Liftig (like Leftig with an 'I' instead of an 'E') came over with the gift of stale popcorn in a receptacle shaped like a ukulele with Elvis' face glued to the front. Not only was this a strange gift, and a much needed snack for us all as we played cards, we found that a day later, we had all regretted thoroughly our consumption of said popcorn, likening it to the "worst popcorn ever eaten" "styrofoam packing peanuts" and "Aahhgg! I can't believe I ate that popcorn!" Why was it in a ukulele? Why did Anya feel the compulsion to buy something like that on the 75%-off rack in a store like Big Lots? The stars aligned to bring us those munchies, and though we enjoyed it in the moment, we'll probably remember the entirety of our experience with fondness, possibly accompanied by an aversion for popcorn sold in strange yet appealing containers.

Note the way that Anya fondly clutches the popcorn as she discusses ice cream cakes and making out with trees.

This is just to show a pic of her post-performance where Anya she sat for 15 minutes while an ice cream cake melted on her head. Simple, funny, and disgusting.
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